Blockchain basics: how to start a DAO

My recent writing has focused on the community dynamics of blockchain-based ‘Decentralized Autonomous Organisations’ (DAOs). I’ve explored:

In this article I will attempt to explain some of the more technical aspects in clear terms for people with little to no experience with these topics. I’ll be diving into the steps outlined in a tweet by Jess Sloss of Seed Club, a DAO that builds and invests in communities.

There’s a comment section below. If anything is unclear or could be worded better: let me know either with a question or by spelling things out more clearly yourself.

How to bootstrap a DAO

People familiar with English-language startup terminology will be familiar with the term bootstrapping: to start something using nothing but your own funds (or in some cases: zero funds). Continue reading to learn how a DAO might do that.

You can’t have a DAO without a great community. I won’t go into that for this piece, but recommend reading How to grow decentralized communities by pet3rpan (before you click out of this website, consider joining the newsletter, so we can reach you in case you get lost in a rabbit hole ;-)).

📥 Drop an NFT or series (on chain revenue)

I think by now, for many people, non-fungible tokens or NFTs have become synonymous with auctionable digital artworks. This is not incorrect, but it’s a little bit like saying MP3s are music, while actually it’s a technology that has lots of uses in terms of audio encryption. A slightly better way of thinking about NFTs is as collectibles.

Non-fungible tokens allow for tracking ownership, as well as functionality like ‘splits‘ which are commonly used to make sure the original author gets money (in the form of cryptocurrency) every time their NFT is resold. This is done through smart contracts: little computer programs linked to a blockchain database that run whenever certain actions are performed or conditions are met.

Although the most publicised use case is 1 NFT of a unique artwork being sold, there are also countless examples of collectibles where 10 people can buy NFTs that represent identical artworks (e.g. this NFT by musician Sevdaliza). The former case would be described as a 1/1 and the latter as a 10/10 run, like a collectible. A series could be a set of NFTs, like a bunch of 1/1s, multiple 10/10s, or any mix like a 1/1 and a 5/5 drop.

This creates on-chain revenue: value stored on the blockchain that the DAO will use to let the community participate and distribute ownership. That revenue is stored in cryptocurrency.

A recent music-related example of a DAO that funded itself with an NFT sale is Songcamp. With the on-chain revenue, it could afford to cover the fees associated with ‘minting’ (creating) an NFT for the participating artists in its first songwriting batch.

🎁 Give NFTs to dope people (on chain community)

On chain community means that you have a way to track, via blockchain, who are the people in your community. Since tokens like NFTs allow people to see who owns them, it’s an easy way to trace ownership back to a DAO (the link between the DAO and the recipient is forever recorded).

  • Step 1: create an address for your DAO on a blockchain by setting up a wallet which allows for transactions and storage.
  • Step 2: create NFTs with that address.
  • Step 3: send the NFTs to addresses of people you want to add to your community.

Now there is a link between your address and theirs, through the NFT. You can see this happening in the above screenshot, but strip away the interface of the auction house and you get something like this.

Here you can see the transfer of a token from one address to another, here indicated as club.eth, which is the same @club from the Zora auction house screenshot and actually also the Seed Club referred to at the start of this post.

A community or service can let you sign in using your wallet (e.g. Metamask) which is a little bit like the type of ‘Single Sign-On’ you’re used to around the web from Google, Facebook, and Twitter. It can then check your wallet for any NFTs or other tokens (I’ll get into this) and grant you special privileges, ranging from simple access to more advanced features.

I was recently lucky enough to get voted into Mirror, a kind of crypto version of Medium, but way more interesting (thanks for the votes!). To participate in the vote, you have to connect your wallet. If you win, Mirror transfers an access token to your wallet. On Twitter that looks like this:

On Etherscan, a tool to read about transactions on the Ethereum blockchain, the above looks like this:

Here you can see 1 address sending 10 tokens to 10 addresses through the execution of 1 smart contract (you can read the code of that contract here). Bonus points if you can figure out which address I hold. 😉

Overwhelming? No worries, the user experience is easier than setting up an internet connection or email in the 90s. In the end you just need a browser extension like Metamask’s to log in to Mirror and when it sees you hold the correct token it presents you this simple interface for creating your account:

🛫 Launch Snapshot + token gated Discord (gov. infra)

To set up the DAOs ‘governance infrastructure’, you can use a tool like Snapshot to let people submit and vote on proposals, plus you create a community for token holders (I’ve described token gating in the previous paragraphs). The latter is commonly done through Discord.

Here’s an example of a proposal for CabinDAO: a community that is creating a cabin residency program for select creators.

Here the community (or DAO) is voting on a linked proposal. It’s essentially deciding to commit a certain amount of funds (15 ETH) and community tokens to the program.

There’s a list of voters – 15 in total. They’re shown as addresses on the Ethereum blockchain and since Jon Gold has registered his name through ENS, I can recognize him and search for him elsewhere. For example, I can see he used his $WRITE token to join Mirror a few months ago. The votes are ranked by the number of community tokens someone holds (the bottom 13 are cut off). I haven’t looked into exactly how CabinDAO has distributed tokens so far, but usually they’re awarded to early community members and rewarded for participation, contribution, or in exchange for things (or cryptocurrency).

🪂 Airdrop ERC-20 tokens (governance to the ppl)

I’ve explained non-fungible tokens already, but haven’t gone into detail about other types of tokens.

ERC-20 is basically the technical standard for token implementation on smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Remember Mirror awarding 10 people with tokens to join their service? It happened in 1 transaction through the execution of a smart contract.

While no two NFTs are alike (and commonly use the ERC-721 standard), ERC-20 tokens are fungible, meaning that they can be interchanged with one another. In simple terms, if I send you 1 $WRITE token mentioned above and you send me 1 $WRITE token, we end up with the same in the end. Trading NFTs would typically leave us with two distinct items.

Through your community’s smart contract, these tokens can give you voting rights or participation rights in a DAO, e.g. access to a Discord server or the ability to vote on proposals on Snapshot or similar.

This is where you might award the buyers of the NFTs with a certain number of tokens created uniquely for your community through aforementioned smart contract, e.g. if it were for my newsletter’s community, I might call them $MUSICX tokens. You’d also give early community members and other supporters some tokens in your community. This incentivises them to get active and start participating in the governance.

This process of distributing tokens among your community is called ‘airdropping’. Now, there’s just one thing remaining:

Use ETH / Tokens to go do cool shit

Like the Friends With Benefits DAO, you could let people buy their way in through exchanging a cryptocurrency (ETH) for tokens ($FWB). This means as a DAO, you have a certain liquidity from token sales. So as a community, you can use tokens to incentivize certain actions (e.g. creating a residence program for artists in a cabin) and you can use ETH to cover certain costs, from renting the cabin, to infrastructure, to perhaps paying a few developers to build your website.

That’s it. All of the above is using the Ethereum blockchain, but there are other blockchains out there that support similar functionality.

Go organise your community and if you’d like to invite me – send me a token at basgras.eth or a tweet @basgras.

The community-owned rave: event organisers as DAOs

This piece explores the intersection of underground rave culture and Web 3 concepts like decentralized autonomous organisations.

Lately I’ve been thinking about an idea I had pre-pandemic. I wanted to set up a local rave night to fill a gap I perceived in Berlin’s nightlife. I mentally prepared myself to do all the heavy lifting involved in setting up a new club night – something I’d witnessed from friends taxiing artists around, losing money on events, having to staff the entrance, handling logistics, and of course doing the promo. The pandemic put all those ideas on hold and helped generate a new perspective on things.


I previously explored what artists’ fanbases can look like as blockchain-based decentralized autonomous organisations (DAOs) – I recommend reading it if you’re not familiar with DAOs. One important aspect for DAOs is that they should have a clear reason to exist, so that people have something clear to organise around and identify new initiatives.

For events, that goal is pretty straightforward: for example to run a number of events per year (e.g. 6, 12, 24) with a clear musical and subcultural footprint (e.g. hyperpop meets queer hardtechno).

There are lots of activities to take care of, such as:

  • Artist bookings
  • Travel & accommodation (unless fully local)
  • Artwork & design
  • Promotion
  • Venue decoration
  • Tickets & admissions

Many of these require funds and when starting out there’s always a risk you won’t break even. DAOs can mitigate that risk and distribute the heavy lifting surrounding these tasks to a passionate community.

Community-owned raves

My first association with the above words would actually be ‘free party’ culture and teknivals of the 90s, as pioneered by Spiral Tribe (artwork above). They would travel country & continent with soundsystems and throw public raves that were free to attend (and usually illegal). The idea was that by being at the rave, you were not just audience, you’re a participant – a similar mindset to Burning Man‘s ethos. The teknival scene still exists today, by the way.

But what would a community-owned rave look like if it could somehow be formalized?

  • Persistent community. Most events have an audience that reconvenes and persists through brief gatherings. Part of the audience will be ‘regulars’ and part will be newcomers. It can be hard to know which part is which and to really feel connected. By making sure the community is organised outside of the context of the occasional event, the community can exist in a persistent state and experience connectedness daily. (see also: Why local is the answer to a future of new normals)
  • Shared outcome ownership. The community puts together the events. This may be a representative democratic process, where people get elected to a board or special crews, e.g. for artist selection, brand and artwork, and perhaps various ongoing activities like music releases, mixtapes and podcasts, meetups, listening sessions, etc. This way the output and outcome is a collective responsibility.
  • Tokenized. Participants should be rewarded. Most underground events don’t make a lot of money, and don’t have a goal to make lots of cash, so rewards for contributions could come in the form of tokens which give people the ability to participate in the governance of the DAO or get access to other perks. Event tickets could represent a token, which gives you a way to essentially peg token prices to fiat money and automatically make attendees community members (I’d make sure to only sell 1 per person though – maybe translating actual attendance to tokens, rather than just holding the ticket. I’d also carefully think through the implications of attendance always representing 1 token).
  • Proposals & voting. People can submit proposals for artists, event decoration, and peripheral activities. They can request budgets in the form of tokens which they can hold (for governance or to let them accrue value) or cash out in order to finance their activity.

The exact mechanics would depend a lot on the community and what it wants to incentivise. For example, in some contexts you might want to encourage people to spread the word by sharing photos of the events, but some events might enforce strict no-photos rules so that people can be themselves without the pressures of being seen on social media (or worst case: becoming a meme).

Not public, not private, but community events

One example of how this might work can be gleaned from the Friends With Benefits (FWB) DAO, which is a creative community that requires people to buy $FWB tokens in order to participate. It then rewards tokens, as described in the bullet points above, for certain activities. While I personally would avoid throwing up high economic barriers to participatio, for the sake of inclusivity (which is also why many events in Berlin have flexible entrance prices, e.g. minimum 5, but 10 if you can afford it), FWB has been able to create an economic space where members can reward each other with tokens that can be cashed out in order to finance projects. (I don’t mean to imply FWB in general is not inclusive – it’s just a general concern I have with regards to onboarding people into tokenized communities)

This has translated into a real-life event in Miami recently, with DJs like Yves Tumor and Jubilee, that you could only attend if you held a certain number of tokens. For those from out of town, the community created a city guide which can be unlocked in exchange for tokens. It’s an excellent example of how communities can create value for other members either through direct activities (events) or peripheral (guides) and how that value can then flow around the community. All of this didn’t exist a year ago, so what they’ve been able to achieve and fund is incredible.

Stronger together

Many events already function as decentralized autonomous organisations in informal ways. Connecting it to the Web3 allows the community to persist across the metaverse and leverage NFTs, communal creation, and channel the unique talents of all involved.

It gives a certain predictability too. If you have a big community around your event, it can be tough picking artists for your line-up, since you only have so much time per night, which means not everyone will get to play. If the community becomes self-sustaining and energized, it should be easy for the organisation to make a risk assessment and set up more event nights.

It could even extend its footprint, so that people in other cities can set up local chapters under the same brand. Over time, the DAO becomes representative of a subculture and may see artist exchanges and people traveling to each other’s cities to meet community members there and experience the local chapter’s events. At scale, the DAO and the new subculture might become synonymous, though it’s also possible to think small and keep it to a small, local community of fans & friends.

The choice is yours – and theirs.


Help me take my writing to the Web3 & support me in Mirror‘s $WRITE race on Wednesdays. Vote here.


The Decentralized Autonomous “1,000 True Fan” Organisation

Decentralized ownership registries helped enable digital art’s NFT boom of the past year. Next, blockchain, the distributed ledger technology, will underpin fanbases and the way artists build careers, teams, and engage with industry infrastructure.

Can you put a fanbase on the blockchain? Here’s what it could look like.

Decentralized Autonomous Organisations (DAOs)

If you spend some time in Web3 circles, you will encounter the term DAO. It refers to organisations that utilize blockchains’ distributed nature and (often) smart contract functionality in order to govern themselves.

These organisations are grassroots, meaning that there’s no central leadership and the members of the organisation decide what things they want to incentivize, and what rules they want to create. They allow people to pool funds, govern those funds and use them to coordinate or incentivize communal efforts and contributions. 

At this point there are way too many DAOs to give a comprehensive overview and they come in many forms. For example, Stake Capital’s StakeDAO allows its members to earn stakeholder revenue share for their participation, for instance by supporting the Discovery and Creator nodes Stake Capital runs for the Audius network, a decentralized music streaming platform. Another well-known DAO, with the stated aim to push culture forward, is Friends With Benefits ($FWB) which requires new members to invest into the DAO by buying membership tokens, so that the community is invested in itself (you can read more about how they govern these funds here and what types of things you might expect in the community here). MetaCartel is a community of people that funds “post-hackathon” projects through grants. Decentraland, pictured above, is a game akin to Roblox and Second Life, but is governed by a DAO.

The Mint Fund, which was founded to fund underrepresented creators’ NFT minting costs, aims to become an “artist-owned curation DAO”. Mat Dryhurst (@) suggested a decentralised structure for SoundCloud in 2017, when people feared the company was running out of time (and cash) as it let go a large chunk of its staff. Back then the concept was novel, but it’s quickly becoming mainstream.

There are even tools like Aragon, Colony, and DAOhaus that make it relatively easy to set up a DAO in which the community participates in the ownership and governance of what’s created through the sum of their work, contribution, and participation.

Image via aforementioned Aragon.

The Decentralized Autonomous Artist

Not everyone’s music will drive millions of streams, not everyone is able to tour constantly, not everyone will go viral… but the one strategy that I feel almost any artist can apply is that of building a community of fans that can sustain you (sometimes referred to as “1,000 true fans”). There’s benefits to thinking small.

How can a fan community contribute to an artist’s success? Well, it depends on the artist, but they can financially sustain the artist through various types of patronage, they can amplify what an artist is doing by increasing their reach and leveraging network effects, but there are also other types of contributions that may be framed as collaborations, fan art, or other. In fact, when the community includes the artist and ‘artist team’ (ie. the business roles surrounding an artist), you can disintegrate some of those roles and place the associated activities inside the community through incentive structures.

What if the BTS Army was a DAO allowing people to either purchase or earn $BTS tokens in order to unlock various types of experiences and opportunities that are completely fan-organised? BTS wouldn’t even have to play a role in the DAO, though if what the DAO is doing is sufficiently valuable (which it would be), it may decide to let people trade $BTS tokens for tickets to concerts, livestreams, merch, or NFT collectibles. BTS can then choose to sell those tokens for fiat money (e.g. dollars or won) and cash out or retain $BTS and take a more active role in the DAO (token holders are often rewarded with increased influence in the governance of the DAO, corresponding to the amount of tokens they hold).

Since it can all be logged to a blockchain, much of this experience becomes portable beyond any specific platform, allowing the fanbase to organise itself wherever it prefers. This way experiences can travel beyond the walled gardens of Facebook, Apple, or virtual platforms and into the so-called metaverse in which the DAO and its members own their data and collect the value from it. Work is also being done on making various blockchains more interoperable, so things will be less locked into blockchain ecosystems than they are now.

Instead of communicating with an audience as followers on a social media platform owned by others, you can involve them directly in the organisation of your fan experience in a transparent, open, grassroots way through DAOs. The bonus: community ownership. We’ve seen countless artists open up Discords and other types of communities next to their social media presence – what we’ll see next is the Web3 version of this: decentralized autonomous fan organisations.


Help me take my writing to the Web3 & support me in Mirror‘s $WRITE race on Wednesdays. Vote here.